Globalstar Optimum Satellite Availability Tool – Globalcom
Globalstar Optimum Satellite Availability Tool
Globalstar announced on 5/23/07 their Optimum Satellite Availability Tool available to all the current and potential customers. This web based tool allows customers to enter a Globalstar satellite phone number along with their time zone and location. The location can be obtained by a number of ways. The customer can enter any combination of address, city, state and zip code or the customer can enter their latitude and longitude.
Based upon the information provided by the customer the report will display a Google map displaying their location. The times listed in the report below the map are the optimum time to make a successful Globalstar voice or duplex data call. The dates and times in the report will be formatted to match the time zone that was selected.
Globalstar is continually working to improve their service. Occasionally, a customer may experience periods when it takes you longer than expected to connect to the Globalstar system, or the customer may experience call progress terminating prematurely. To help you plan your communications, we are providing for your convenience a web-based tool that forecasts satellite availability for your location over the upcoming 24-hour period. If you don’t currently own a Globalstar phone you may use satellite phone number 863-203-5768 to build the satellite availability report.
Go to this link to build a satellite availability report for the area where you plan to use the Globalstar phone
Globalstar is launching four additional satellites this May 29th 2007. These satellites along with four additional satellites to be launched later in 2007 we hope will revitalize the operating constellation and help ensure the quality of Globalstar service will be what customer come to expect. We are hopeful these eight new satellites will provide acceptable quality of serviced until the second generation constellation of satellites are built, launched and deployed in 2009.